Weekly Photo Challenge : The sign says…

This week’s challenge : The sign says…

Hearts of the World in San Cristobal de las CasasLast summer, wandering the streets of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, I suddenly recognized this heart painted randomly in the streets.  What a surprise to realize that my dear friend and artist Nicolina had come a few months prior to my discovery, to that very same spot, and had spread more colors and joy in the lives of those who shared and took part in her Hearts of the World project!

She is based in New York City and for a few years now, has gone here and there, to meet children all over the world and asked them to draw and/or paint their dreams in a heart.  Hers is full of kindness.  She also spreads her unique art in unique venues and unique places…

Meet her here!  You won’t regret it!

[Fr]  L’été dernier, en me promenant dans les rues de San Cristobal de las Casas dans le Chiapas au Mexique, j’ai brusquement reconnu ce cœur peint au hasard sur le mur d’une maison.  Quelle surprise de me rendre compte que Nicolina, une amie chère à mon cœur justement et grande artiste, était passée par là quelques mois auparavant et avait partagé pinceaux et joie avec ceux qui participent à son projet Hearts of the World!

Originaire de New York, elle se balade depuis quelques années autour du monde et demande aux enfants de bien vouloir dessiner ou peindre leurs rêves dans un cœur.  Le sien est rempli d’amour.  Elle répand également son art dans des endroits uniques et inattendus…

Découvrez-la ici!  Vous ne le regretterez pas!

[Es]  El verano pasado, paseando por las calles de San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, reconocí subitamente ese corazón pintado como por magia en una pared la ciudad.  ¡Qué sorpresa al darme cuenta de que mi amiga y artista Nicolina había venido por acá unos meses antes a compartir su arte y su alegría con los que participaron a su taller Hearts of the World!

Oriunda de Nueva York, recorre el mundo al encuentro de los niños para pedirle de pintar y/o dibujar sus sueños en un corazón.  El suyo está lleno de amor.  También difunde su arte único en lugares únicos e inesperados…

¡Descubranla aquí!  No se van a arepentir!

Today’s favorites :

Weekly Photo Challenge – Rewired and Retired in Nicaragua

Weekly Photo Challenge – My Guilty Pleasures

Weekly Photo Challenge – Memory Catcher

Weekly Photo Challenge – Parallel Lines

Weekly Photo Challenge – Sin Polaris

Quite some unconventional signs on the blogosphere can be found here.

Have yourself an outstanding week-end!

Other signs I found along the roads :

24 commentaires sur “Weekly Photo Challenge : The sign says…

    1. Some are definitely super cool! I remember one from a completely different country (NZ) of which I didn’t take a picture but would have been great to share too : « Drink and Drive = Die in the ditch! » along the roads of the country. It was quite disturbing but also a great reminder of what people should and shouldn’t do on the road.
      Wish you the best in Nicaragua!

    1. You’re more than welcome! she greatly deserve the praise for all previous works and the on-going ones! I’m eager to get to NYC and see her latest fantasies! I hope you’ll get to see them and her too!


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