Freestyle Writing Challenge

writing (photo credit @

(disculpen pero escribo este artículo solo en inglés – pardon mais j’écris ce post en anglais seulement)

It is so easy to relate with Erika Kind and so easy to browse her blog Author Erika Kind for inspiration.  She recently invited me to participate in a Freestyle Writing Challenge.  Which truly is a challenge for me as I really don’t consider myself a writer, at all!  But I enjoy challenges; they help to think in a different way and they help to grow.  So, even though I know I’m not a great writer, I took the hint and wrote.

There are the rules I copied from Erika’s post:

1. Open a blank Document
2. Set a stop watch or your mobile phone timer to 5 or 10 minutes, whichever challenge you prefer.
3. Your topic is at the foot of this post BUT DO NOT SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY WITH YOUR TIMER!!!
4. Once you start writing do not stop until the alarm sounds!
5. Do not cheat by going back and correcting spelling and grammar using spell check (it is only meant for you to reflect on your own control of sensible thought flow and for you to reflect on your ability to write with correct spelling and grammar.)
6. You may or may not pay attention to punctuation or capitals.
7. At the end of your post write down ‘No. of words = ____” to give an idea of how much you can write within the time frame.
8. Do not forget to copy paste the entire passage on your blog post with a new topic for your nominees and copy paste these rules with your nomination (at least five (5) bloggers)

Here is Erika’s topic I was supposed to write about:

Where I live

Here’s what I wrote:

Where I live…. is where I feel. I live in Paris, right now, but my heart lives in Mexico with the man I love. I live in Paris right now, but I live in my memories of the past 5 years on the road and can’t stop thinking of Patagonia…

Paris, though !!! People hear about me living in Paris and can’t stop saying how lucky I am to be there. I know I am lucky because Paris is such a wonderful city. I always enjoy it so much when I’m here on vacation and can discover its every little corner with a tourist eye. But living here… working here… I sometimes feel trapped and wonder how I can find again a keen eye, the eye and mind that don’t expect anything but are ready to discover anything !

I live in Paris, but my heart lives in Mexico. Where the warmth, the heat of the sun is unbearable for most right now. But of which I dream so much… I love living in Mexico, by the beach, with the typical food, the music, the colors, the beach and life is so different there. I love it because it still feels new to me, at every corner ; just like Paris when I don’t live there.

I live here and there and in many other places too since I’ve learned I loved traveling and because of everything it brings me. Living here, there and everywhere is so fulfilling and brings so much joy ; there are so many people to meet, so many places to visit, so many paths to roam freely.

Today is sunny in Paris and I wish I could go walking somewhere I don’t know, to get a glimpse of another part of town, that will show me again how incredible the city is. I live in Paris, the city of Light, the city of Love, the city of architecture and wonders but I have trouble seeing it all, taking it all in and enjoying it for what it is. Because my heart doesn’t live here. And I know I’m missing out on something, and I know it’s too bad. I know I should open my eyes in wonder and always see the bright side of things ; it is so easy to do so here.

I live in Paris, in a part of town by the river Seine, where I can roam freely along the docks and enjoy the slow pace of summer when the sun shines over our head. I live in Paris as a tourist on vacation or as an interpreter on a mission. But I’m from the south of France, from that part of the country where the sun shines most of the year, where the cicadas will sing starting next month, where the heat will be closer to the one felt in Mexico, where the sea is not an illusion but a place I can go to at any time. In Paris, the sea and the beach are made-up for summer, for people to feel like they’re there when they’re not.

Is Paris the city of light because it’s a mirage, in truth ?

Word count: 532.

Time: 10 minutes.

That was not so bad… 

Now, here are my nominees:

Britt @ Britt Skrabanek

Carina @ Stepabout

Sandra @ Author S B Mazing

Priscilla @ Scillagrace

Ruby @ Life and its Experiments

The topic for you is far down. Please only scroll down when you are ready to start writing!!!














And here comes my topic:









 » THE ROAD « 

Enjoy!  Be Free!  Be Awesome!

15 commentaires sur “Freestyle Writing Challenge

  1. I finally did it! Thanks for the challenge; it was a treat to spend 10 minutes in my own way. I’m off to complete and post and thank you officially.

  2. Your words are sincere and honest. It would be a sin not to share such a nice piece of writing for such a minimal amount of time. Do not doubt you’re not a writter, you have to abandon the idea that you’ll never be as good as you wish. You’re already great 🙂

  3. That was a beautiful post, Julie! Simply marvellous! What an amazing text in only 10 minutes! There is so much passion, longing and love lying in your words. I truly feel your love for Mexico and the person you miss. Wonderul!!!
    Thank you for the lovely introduction! 🙂

  4. Well handled Juls, especially for a non-writer! I’ve found that, under time pressure, the brakes are let off and you can write straight from the heart instead of the head. Funny how some of us are happy to stay in one place, others always seeking to move on. Have a good weekend.


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